Mission List

Status Type Slots Mission Name Map Author Version Framework Updated Details
OK COOP 22 Operation Quick and Angry Malden 2035 42nfl19 0.2 MK4 v075 05/06/2018 DESCRIPTION: Find the weapons and blow them up.
OK COTVT 25 Shifting Tides Dingor 42nfl19 v06 MK4 075 18/05/2018 DESCRIPTION: Work with your sworn enemy or take them out. Will you create lasting ties or backstab your enemy? Mission can be played as a normal COOP or a short TVT depending on first objective.
OK RACE 21 Get Set 2 Get Wet Bystrica 42nfl19 0.1 Race 24/02/2018 DESCRIPTION: GET THE CREDIT CARD CAUSE I NEED NO MONEY
OK RACE 24 The Last Stretch Desert 42nfl19 02 Race 08/10/2016 DESCRIPTION: Ride the Dunes!
Issues RACE 25 Highway Zone Virtual Reality 42nfl19 02 Race 13/02/2018 DESCRIPTION: GET THE CREDIT CARD CAUSE I NEED NO MONEY
  • Very long
  • Laps might not be working correctly?
OK TVT 50 Battle Lighting: Globe of Armored Vehicles Proving Grounds 42nfl19 0.1 MK4 075 28/10/2017 DESCRIPTION: Fight in totally original massive tank battle(do not steal). Donate to the server for premium tanks!
OK COOP 60 Operation First Vacation Ruha AvRore 11 MK4 v075 20/04/2019 DESCRIPTION: Protect the Finnish motherland and repel the Soviet invasion by any means necessary.
OK COOP 47 Op Privatized Tolerance Altis AvRore 3 MK4 v075 03/05/2019 DESCRIPTION: Subscribe to PewDiePie.
OK COOP 10 CHARMS II Maximum Tempo Takistan gif 3 MK4 075 26/05/2018 DESCRIPTION: Marines push north to finish off the TK army. Airforce shows up to take all the credit.
OK COOP 6 Charms II Maximum Tempo Takistan gif 1 MK4 074 22/09/2018 DESCRIPTION: Marines keep up the tempo.
OK COOP 30 Playground Takistan Coryf88 0.5.7 MK4 075 18/03/2018 DESCRIPTION: Try out gear and vehicles.
OK COOP ?? Dynamic Combat Ops Malden 2035 mbrdmn 095 CUSTOM 10/07/2017 DESCRIPTION: Perform combat operations around a random location || Slot roles are only recommended suggestions.
OK COOP ?? Dynamic Combat Ops Stratis mbrdmn 095 CUSTOM 10/07/2017 DESCRIPTION: Perform combat operations around a random location || Slot roles are only recommended suggestions.
OK COOP ?? Dynamic Combat Ops Tanoa mbrdmn 095 CUSTOM 10/07/2017 DESCRIPTION: Perform combat operations around a random location || Slot roles are only recommended suggestions.
OK COOP ?? Dynamic Recon Ops Altis mbrdmn 085 CUSTOM 17/07/2017 DESCRIPTION: Perform recon operations around a random location.
OK COOP ?? Dynamic Recon Ops Chernarus (Autumn) mbrdmn 085 CUSTOM 03/08/2017 DESCRIPTION: Perform recon operations around a random location.
OK COOP ?? Dynamic Recon Ops Lingor mbrdmn 085 CUSTOM 03/08/2017 DESCRIPTION: Perform recon operations around a random location.
OK COOP ?? Dynamic Recon Ops Malden 2035 mbrdmn 085 CUSTOM 17/07/2017 DESCRIPTION: Perform recon operations around a random location.
OK COOP ?? Dynamic Recon Ops Panthera mbrdmn 085 CUSTOM 03/08/2017 DESCRIPTION: Perform recon operations around a random location.
OK COOP ?? Dynamic Recon Ops Stratis mbrdmn 085 CUSTOM 17/07/2017 DESCRIPTION: Perform recon operations around a random location.
OK COOP ?? Dynamic Recon Ops Takistan mbrdmn 085 CUSTOM 03/08/2017 DESCRIPTION: Perform recon operations around a random location.
OK COOP ?? Dynamic Recon Ops Zargabad mbrdmn 085 CUSTOM 02/08/2017 DESCRIPTION: Perform recon operations around a random location.
OK COOP 25 Operation Fajr Shapur Edge 5 MK4 075 27/02/2018 DESCRIPTION: MEC forces assualt an oil facility held by Islamic state.
OK COOP 29 Va Va Voom Southern Sahrani Edge 3 MK4 075 03/06/2018 DESCRIPTION: French Forces fight against Islamist forces to expell them from the area.
OK COOP 33 Kutuzov Interdiction Bystrica Edge 5 MK4 075 18/04/2018 DESCRIPTION: Russian forces execute a flanking manoeuvre against invading US Marines.
OK COOP 34 Russian Storm Zargabad Edge 2 MK4 075 27/02/2018 DESCRIPTION: Russian forces attempt to crush an encircled battlion of Islamic State fighters.
Broken COOP 35 Operation Violet Hydra Chernarus (Autumn) Edge 4 MK4 075 27/02/2018 DESCRIPTION: US Marines open up a new front on the coast of the Black Sea.
  • DAC Error.
  • Seems to also kill the HC.
OK COOP 24 Lingorian Dealers Lingor Engee 02 MK4 075 28/02/2019 DESCRIPTION: Lingorian National Guardsmen, at thier breaking point, strike back against a criminal force.
OK COOP 24 Super Soviet Assault 3012 Chernarus (Autumn) Engee 0.98 MK4 075 10/03/2018 DESCRIPTION: Chernarus deployed JSDF are tasked with taking over a strategic target.
OK COOP 24 Trial By Fire Utes A2 Team, Engee 01 MK4 075 01/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: A team of marines is to be flown to Utes Island in support of the mainforce amphibious assault.
OK COOP 25 Rahmadi Invasion Rahmadi Engee 1.1A MK4 075 26/01/2019 DESCRIPTION: US SOF Invade the island of Rahmadi under the cover of night.
Broken COOP 30 Our Benefactors Altis Engee 04 MK4 075 16/02/2019 DESCRIPTION: AAF and CSAT embark on a patrol to deliever supplies and check for guerillas in the north east of Altis. EOD REQUIRED. CSAT is optional but AAF is required.
OK COOP 32 Setting Suns Celle 2 Engee 0.04 MK4 075 09/03/2019 DESCRIPTION: US Forces attempt to establish a foothold in the Korean Penisula against an overwhelming force.
OK COOP 32 White Hell Panthera (Winter) Engee 059 MK4 075 19/01/2018 DESCRIPTION: Chedaki attempt to kick snow arabs off of winthera
OK COOP 45 Abbos In The Sticks Dingor Engee 069 MK4 075 12/01/2019 DESCRIPTION: An Indigenous rebel group has taken control of an island and contracted some help. an Australian UN detachment stationed within the area is tasked with recapturing the island and restabilising the region.
OK COOP 47 Syndikat Attack Tanoa Engee 01b MK4 075 09/06/2018 DESCRIPTION: Syndikats seize an opprtunity to fuck up local government forces and contractors.
OK RACE 20 BromA CuP! S01EP1 Lingor Engee 085 Race 10/02/2018 DESCRIPTION: OOOOH BABY BABY COME ON
OK RACE 25 BromA CuP! S01EP02 Utes Engee 050 Race 17/02/2018 DESCRIPTION: I NEED YOUR LOVE
OK RACE 25 BromA CuP! S01EP04 Stratis Engee 01 Race 17/03/2018 DESCRIPTION: BOOM BOOM JAPAN, THAT'S WHAT I SAY, COME ON!
OK TVT 20 Zealous Beagles (Base Battles 3.0) Bukovina Engee 2 MK4 075 03/11/2018 DESCRIPTION: HYPER BOLT ACTION 'ACTION'. A conflict for territory between the Drab Union and Olive Empire
OK COOP 24 Cooperation Guaranteed G.O.S Al Rayak Engee 1 MK4 v075 27/04/2019 DESCRIPTION: PLA Marines assault MEC controlled territory.
OK COOP 20 Last to Fight Chernarus (Autumn) Engee 1 MK4 v075 15/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: Edit this description with a short explanation and important details about your mission.
OK COOP 24 Brexiting Bad Malden 2035 Flarg 2 MK4 075 13/10/2018 DESCRIPTION: SBS raid an island off maldin
OK COOP 20 The Lost Pilots Bystrica mcgabe 1 MK4 075 24/02/2018 DESCRIPTION: Rescue the lost pilots, disable the AA sites and extract.
OK COOP 40 Trigger-Happy Diplomacy Takistan mcgabe 3 MK4 075 20/03/2019 DESCRIPTION: Capturing the Hearts, Minds and Oil of the people.
OK COOP ?? Blin Patrol 2: The Breeking 0 gif 2.0 MK4 074 03/05/2017 DESCRIPTION: Remove flatcaps
OK COOP 6 Op Cyclone Altis gif 3 MK4 075 27/04/2018 DESCRIPTION: CSAT rush to a undertale damage control under an empty quiver scenario. Very hard mission, lots of armor, little AT. Pilot should be slotted unless you want to sleep with the fish.
OK COOP 8 Highpath Takistan gif 0 MK4 075 17/05/2017 DESCRIPTION: Roll around Hagi town
OK COOP 10 Operation Tandem Butterfly Isla Duala gif 0.4 MK4 075 17/05/2017 DESCRIPTION: OPFOR get a helping hand from Indis
OK COOP ?? SAFE ZONE Isla Duala gif 1.1 MK4 074 03/11/2018 DESCRIPTION: Can you surivie sonix hugbox?
Issues COOP 30 Shipforce Lingor gif 2 MK4 074 26/01/2017 DESCRIPTION: Sometimes when you pretend to be a little girl you just want to have a period so bad you shove glass shards up your ass so you can bleed.
  • Crate at spawn needs to be destroyed for the "Find a weapon dump and destroy it." task.
OK COOP 59 CLEAR SKY Altis [WP]heroes maker 2 MK4 075 23/03/2019 DESCRIPTION: KSK and FIA have to unite to fight against CSAT and AAF.
OK COOP 62 Operation Sunken Drangon Malden 2035 [WP]heroes maker 3 MK4 ARMASTOCK 082 16/12/2017 DESCRIPTION: US SOCOM send the delta force to deal with PLA forces inside Malden.
OK COOP 66 Georgerown Troubles Tanoa [WP]heroes maker 3.1 MK4 ARMASTOCK 082 16/12/2017 DESCRIPTION: Tanoa Defence Force have to retake their own capital against an unknown enemy.
OK COOP 15 Short Sighted Tanoa [WP]heroes maker 2 MK4 075 08/10/2018 DESCRIPTION: Navy SEALs team has to escape an occupied part of Tanoa.
OK COOP 27 The Trouble Makers Lingor [WP]heroes maker 2 MK4 075 11/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: Mercenaries group will have to kill a Dictator.
Issues COOP 43 Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence Isla Abramia [WP]heroes maker 3 MK4 075 28/02/2019 DESCRIPTION: British SBS have to save a captured plane pilot.
  • Boats at spawn have buoyancy issues.
  • Crates don't have ammo for the AR.
OK COOP 45 HIDDEN PACKAGE Zargabad [WP]heroes maker 2 MK4 075 11/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: US forces have to found a box with sensitive documents inside and destroy it.
OK COOP 53 Tea Party G.O.S Al Rayak [WP]Heroes maker 2 MK4 075 11/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: British forces attack a city full of jihadist in Al-Rayak.
OK COOP 58 Russian Rumble Tanoa [WP]heroes maker 4 MK4 075 07/05/2019 DESCRIPTION: Tanoa Special forces have to retake the northern coast of the island.
OK COOP 62 Operation Sunken Drangon Malden 2035 [WP]heroes maker 2B MK4 075 20/05/2018 DESCRIPTION: US SOCOM send the delta force to deal with PLA forces inside Malden.
OK COOP 62 Winter Patrol Isla Abramia [WP]heroes maker 6 MK4 075 27/06/2018 DESCRIPTION: French forces in Abramia have to secure multiple positions.
OK COOP 64 Far Cry Panthera [WP]heroes maker 4 MK4 075 11/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: French army assault a remote island in Panthera.
OK COOP 64 Operation : Red Earth Isla Duala [WP]heroes maker 3 MK4 075 22/02/2018 DESCRIPTION: Terrorist not so tough after local niggers molested them.
OK COOP 66 Georgetown Troubles Tanoa [WP]heroes maker 1B MK4 075 17/03/2018 DESCRIPTION: Tanoa Defence Force have to retake their own capital against an unknown enemy.
OK COOP 67 Incursio Celle 2 [WP]heroes maker 1 MK4 075 24/01/2019 DESCRIPTION: GDR forces launch an assault in the region of Celle.
OK COOP 68 NUCLEAR-TIPPED EQUALITY Isla Duala [WP]heroes maker 7 MK4 075 10/03/2018 DESCRIPTION: Afrenia go to war in north duala against Molatia.
OK COOP 69 Chernogorsk Assault Chernarus (Autumn) [WP]heroes maker 2 MK4 075 27/02/2019 DESCRIPTION: chernarus conscripts have to capture chernogorsk city.
OK COOP 69 Into the night Ruha [WP]heroes maker 2 MK4 075 27/06/2018 DESCRIPTION: Winter 1982, the russians started WW3, the Dutch paratroopers are tasked to destroy multiple enemy assets.
OK COOP 71 Tourist Delight United Sahrani [WP]heroes maker 4 MK4 075 11/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: RACS and US SOF have to attack positions controlled by SLA.
OK COTVT 62 Guns, Lawyers and Money Tanoa [WP]heroes maker 3 MK4 075 20/05/2018 DESCRIPTION: Tanoa's gendarmerie is launching an assault against the Syndikat'.
OK COOP 47 Caucasus Insurgency Bystrica [WP]heroes maker 1 MK4 v075 05/04/2019 DESCRIPTION: Russian troops assault a rebel held city near at the South Caucasus border.
OK TVT ?? Warlords - Broma edition Takistan withered_maple 3 MK4 075 13/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: Warlords mission, USMC vs TAK army
OK COOP 44 Holiday in Chernarus Chernarus (Autumn) J.P. 1.1 MK4 074 24/03/2019 DESCRIPTION: Russian troops find their holiday ruined by ISIS
OK COOP 40 Retaking of Sahrani Sahrani J.P. 1 MK4 074 08/06/2018 DESCRIPTION: Edit this description with a short explanation and important details about your mission.
OK TVT ?? Deadly Prey Panthera Komachi 2.0rc-3 CUSTOM 09/12/2017 DESCRIPTION: A group of merciless mercenaries are kidnapping people and using them for target practice. Unfortunately, Mike Danton, a decorated vietnam vet is... Deadly Prey.
OK COOP 20 Powerpoint EP1 Malden 2035 M4tko 6 MK4 075 30/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: US Marines assault Malden to help out with a local insurgency.
OK COOP 20 Powerpoint EP2 Malden 2035 M4tko 1 MK4 075 29/04/2018 DESCRIPTION: US Marines assault Malden to help out with a local insurgency.
OK COOP 20 All Queasy G.O.S Al Rayak Nife 0.90 MK4 075 16/12/2017 DESCRIPTION: VDV forces make the final push into the Takistani controlled city of Al Quisa.
Broken COOP 20 Building After Building G.O.S Al Rayak Nife 0.91 MK4 075 16/12/2017 DESCRIPTION: Takistani Forces push into Al-Rayak to liberate it from Insurgents.
  • Helicopter exploded on mission start.
  • Loadout issues, some player's weapons don't have ammo in the crates/vehicles.
  • Task 'Clear sector #2' and 'Clear sector #3' don't complete.
OK COOP 20 Chapter 2: Coup de Grâce Altis Nife 0.86 MK4 075 24/06/2017 DESCRIPTION: After a gruesome insertion led by the Marines, US Army forces hunt for an enemy commander within a heavily fortified city.
OK COOP 20 Chapter 4: The Fickle Flame Altis Nife 0.80 MK4 075 15/07/2017 DESCRIPTION: With the initial invasion conclued, a specialized operation is launched to weaken enemy supply routes.
OK COOP 20 Rural Farming Rumble Bukovina Nife 0.80 MK4 075 10/06/2017 DESCRIPTION: Farming has changed.
Broken COOP 25 Jihadi Strike G.O.S Al Rayak Nife 0.87 MK4 072 22/05/2017 DESCRIPTION: Allahu Akbar and all that stuff. Blow up some kafir-sympathizing scum and guarantee your spot in heaven.
  • First task is completed when player's enter the zone.
  • Multiple players had issues with crashing, they also would be dead and put into spectator when rejoining.
OK COTVT 20 Fistful of Autism Desert Neefay 2.0 MK4 075 28/06/2018 DESCRIPTION: The most dangerous robbery - by the most dangerous men!
OK TVT 20 Base Battle Stratis Nife 0.80 MK4 075 18/12/2016 DESCRIPTION: Fight to the death!
OK COOP 75 Contract Killers Sahrani opec 0.2.0 MK4 075 15/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: Contract Killers
OK COTVT ?? Warlords: Chernarus Chernarus (Autumn) [WP]heroes maker / opec 0.0.2 MK4 075 14/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: Bohemia Gamemode "Warlords"
OK COOP ?? Red Star Shapur Roricorn 1.1 Dynaspawn 30/09/2018 DESCRIPTION: NO OVERVIEW TEXT
OK COOP 8 Delta dingor_v2 Royal 7 MK4 075 08/05/2019 DESCRIPTION: Your helicopter gets shot down and now you need to find away back to friendly territory.
OK COOP 8 Delta Dingor Royal 6 MK4 075 30/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: Your helicopter gets shot down and now you need to find away back to friendly territory.
OK COOP 10 Nomads Southern Sahrani Royal 6 MK4 075 08/05/2019 DESCRIPTION: Special Forces are dropped behind enemy lines to complete a series of objectives. EXPLOSIVE SPECIALIST REQUIRED!
OK COOP 10 Silent Night Bukovina Royal 1 MK4 075 13/10/2018 DESCRIPTION: Serbian special forces attack a CDF airbase in order to sabotage their air assets.
OK COOP 14 Scud Busters Takistan Royal 4 MK4 075 28/10/2018 DESCRIPTION: A US special forces team is sent to destroy scuds in the takistani region.
OK COOP 15 The Gaggle Panthera Royal 3 MK4 075 30/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: US Special Forces invade a somalian pirates outpust to retrive a weapons crate.
OK COOP 20 The Gaggle Porto Royal 2 MK4 075 27/02/2018 DESCRIPTION: US Special Forces invade a somalian pirates outpust to retrive a weapons crate.
OK COOP 22 Bloody Corazol Sahrani Royal 2 MK4 075 16/10/2018 DESCRIPTION: RACS assault the town of Corazol in order to expel the SLA Forces.
OK COOP 22 Downunder Rahmadi Royal 4 MK4 075 25/10/2018 DESCRIPTION: ANZAC forces storm Rahmadi in a naval assault to clear the island out of pirates.
OK COOP 22 Silent Night Bukovina Royal 4 MK4 075 11/11/2018 DESCRIPTION: Serbian special forces attack a CDF airbase in order to sabotage their air assets.
OK COOP 22 The Raid Utes Royal 1 MK4 075 16/06/2018 DESCRIPTION: US forces raid a small russian island.
OK COOP 22 Tropical Thunder Tanoa Royal 1 MK4 075 19/06/2018 DESCRIPTION: US SOCOM forces are sent in to rescue a downed black hawk down crew in the middle of rebel held Lingor.Explosive Specialists needed.
OK COOP 23 Steel Rain Chernarus (Autumn) Royal 15 MK4 075 08/01/2019 DESCRIPTION: US Special Forces halo jump into enemy territory to take out rocket batteries.
OK COOP 24 Private Business Isla Duala Royal 5 MK4 075 30/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: A PMC is tasked with a mission to help out Duala's government.
OK COOP 25 Drug War Lingor Royal 4 MK4 075 30/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: Drug Cartel are taking over Lingor, as a response a special team is formed to fight them back. EXPLOSIVE SPECIALIST NEEDED!
OK COOP 25 Insurgency Ruha Royal 4 MK4 075 30/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: SAF move in to crush a local insurgency.
OK COOP 25 Operation Rapid Deployment Takistan Royalito 5 MK4 075 30/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: Rapid insertion teams clear out hot zones in Takistan.
OK COOP 26 Hoorah Isla Abramia Royal 5 MK4 075 30/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: Marine forces do a naval assault on a rebel taken island east of Abramia.
OK COOP 26 Sweep Ruha Royal 3 MK4 075 30/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: Marine forces clear out russians paratroopers who've taken several towns in Ruha.
OK COOP 27 El Presidente Lingor Royal 6 MK4 075 16/02/2018 DESCRIPTION: Lingor is under civil war, get the President out of the island.
OK COOP 27 The Escort Zargabad Royal 4 MK4 075 15/01/2019 DESCRIPTION: PMC forces get ambushed after moving in to Zargabad to complete a contract.
OK COOP 29 Red Mile Celle 2 Royalito 4 MK4 075 30/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: The Arma 2 Classic. Russian mechanized troops push through Germany to complete a series of objectives.
OK COOP 29 UNsafe Isla Duala Royal 5 MK4 075 25/10/2018 DESCRIPTION: UN Forces try to control a rebelion and at the same time keeping the people safe.
OK COOP 30 9th Company Takistan Royal 8 MK4 075 30/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: Russians troops are deployed to Afghanistan to setup an outpost in order to protect their supply convoys.
OK COTVT 30 Favela Wars Lingor Royal 3 MK4 075 08/01/2019 DESCRIPTION: AGORA O BICHO VAI PEGAR!
OK COOP 30 Hold the Line Proving Grounds Royal 6 MK4 075 01/05/2019 DESCRIPTION: CDF troops take up defensive positions to stop the Chedaki advance. Commander slot needed!
OK COOP 30 Sandstorm Southern Sahrani Royal 5 MK4 075 30/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: MEC forces invade south Sahrani in order to capture the towns of Ortego and Dolores.
OK COOP 30 This War of Mine G.O.S Al Rayak Royal 9 MK4 075 12/03/2018 DESCRIPTION: You're trapped in a besieged city by 2 hostile army, your mission is to SURVIVE.
OK COOP 31 Underground Chernarus (Autumn) Royal 5 MK4 075 30/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: Rebels start their revolution in order to kick russian forces out of their country.
OK COOP 32 Britdrop Celle 2 Royal 5 MK4 075 30/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: British paratroopers drop behind enemy lines to secure a bridge for the main NATO forces.
OK COOP 32 Flashpoint Celle 2 Royal 4 MK4 075 31/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: US forces attack Russian positions in Celle in 2 fronts. RECON REQUIRED!
OK COOP 35 Thunder Run Takistan Royal 4 MK4 075 30/12/2018 DESCRIPTION: US Forces move into Takistan. Combined Arms at it's finest.
OK ZEUS 99 ZEUS Chernarus (Autumn) Royal 9 MK4 075 18/10/2018 DESCRIPTION: Zeus game mode mission.
OK ZEUS 99 ZEUS Desert Royal 1 MK4 075 12/03/2018 DESCRIPTION: Zeus game mode mission.
OK ZEUS 99 ZEUS Malden 2035 Royal 1 MK4 075 18/10/2018 DESCRIPTION: Zeus game mode mission.
OK ZEUS 99 ZEUS Southern Sahrani Royal 1 MK4 075 18/03/2018 DESCRIPTION: Zeus game mode mission.
OK ZEUS 99 ZEUS Tanoa Royal 1 MK4 075 04/11/2018 DESCRIPTION: Zeus game mode mission.
OK ZEUS 99 ZEUS Virtual Reality Royal 9 MK4 075 18/10/2018 DESCRIPTION: Zeus game mode mission.
OK COOP 30 Green Anvil Isla Abramia Royal 1.1 MK4 v075 27/03/2019 DESCRIPTION: CDF forces retake rebel held territory.
OK COOP 25 > CO 25 - Tidal Wave Sahrani Royalito 1 MK4 v075 06/05/2019 DESCRIPTION: SLA forces land on the Souther Sahrani peninsula , RACS forces move in to stop them.
OK COOP 37 Urban Mammoth Panthera Royal 3 MK4 v075 01/05/2019 DESCRIPTION: Chedaki Forces deliver supplies to a base through rebel occupied territory.
OK COOP 25 Operation Burning Serpent Bystrica scoobs 5 MK4 075 09/03/2018 DESCRIPTION: NATO forces must liberate Bystrica from a rebel mercenary force.
OK COOP 28 Rise Against, Day 2 Altis scoobs 4 MK4 075 09/03/2018 DESCRIPTION: FIA forces must fight against the oppressing AAF government. // Demo Specialist recommended.
OK COOP 29 Point Starfire Sahrani scoobs 4 MK4 075 09/03/2018 DESCRIPTION: Combined US Army and US Navy forces must assault North Sahrani and liberate it from a coup.
Broken COOP 29 Troubled Times Bystrica scooby 3 MK4 075 09/03/2018 DESCRIPTION: British Army forces move behind occupied IRA territory to destroy caches and rescue a VIP.
  • Randomly the VIP and caches don't spawn.
OK COOP 31 Operation Pressing Fighter Lingor scooby 2 MK4 075 30/09/2017 DESCRIPTION: US Marines assault the west of Lingor during a combined assault.
OK RACE 25 Light Up The Night Isla Abramia sneki 2 Race 14/04/2018 DESCRIPTION: It's not even night though, why would he say that?
OK COOP 35 Abdera Hearts Altis sneki 1 MK4 075 21/03/2018 DESCRIPTION: NATO forces must rescue a journalist being held hostage by the FIA.
OK COOP 28 Humanitarian Aid Dingor sneki 1 MK4 075 18/04/2018 DESCRIPTION: UN forces mobilize to a terrorized village to build a refugee camp. l ENGINEER LEAD MUST BE SLOTTED!!!
Issues COOP 36 Gallipoli 2018 Panthera sneki 2 MK4 075 14/04/2018 DESCRIPTION: USMC have to fight an uphill battle to rescue the US Ambassador to the Region of Panthera.
  • Task names are incorrect. Both are labelled as "Destroy the enemy vehicle"
  • Seems all of the AI were Editor placed and so not as skilled as expected.
  • Ambassador is hostile?
OK COOP 40 Glazed and Confused Panthera (Winter) sneki 1 MK4 075 26/02/2018 DESCRIPTION: Security Forces must extract east after their helicopter is shot down on the middle of a snow storm. Only important people get maps, short ranges radios -- final destination.
OK COOP 42 Looking for Trouble Takistan sneki 1 MK4 075 14/04/2018 DESCRIPTION: AAF forces volunteer to push through the armored column covering Feruz Abad.
OK COOP 36 Operation Snoopy Lingor sneki 2 MK4 075 24/03/2018 DESCRIPTION: US Army infiltrate a small Islet in Vietnam to neutralize an enemy Commander. Only high-tier leaders and RTOs get maps and BP radios.
OK COOP 38 Rangers Lead The Way Zargabad sneki 2 MK4 075 06/03/2018 DESCRIPTION: US Army Rangers must rescue a US Ambassador and recover sensitive information from a helicopter.
OK TVT 20 Marina Fight Stratis sneki 1 MK4 075 14/04/2018 DESCRIPTION: Fight to the death! The slots don't matter, everyone's got SMGs.
OK TVT 25 Mixed Bag Stratis sneki 1 MK4 075 16/04/2018 DESCRIPTION: A small AAF detachment looks for an FIA weapons cache in Agia Marina.
OK COOP ?? PLASTIC CERBERUS Chernarus (Summer) SonixApache 2 MK4 075 13/03/2018 DESCRIPTION: Stay on your toes.
OK RACE 16 Wacky Wiesels Altis SonixApache & Engee & Naifu 04 Race 08/05/2018 DESCRIPTION: SPEEEED OF LIIIGHT
OK TVT 30 Convoy Charlie Tanoa Viking PMC 1 NONE 07/01/2017 DESCRIPTION: An INDEPENDENT convoy has broken down on the road between Tanouka and Vagalala containing a weapon shipment of stolen enriched Uranium. BLUFOR and OPFOR must fight to seize the cargo truck and return it to their respective HQs.
OK TVT 30 Downed Bird Tanoa Viking PMC 1 NONE 07/01/2017 DESCRIPTION: A BLUFOR chopper containing top-secret technology has been shot down near the town of Balavu. The local independent militia has deployed to the area and begun disassembling the chopper. The tech extract will take 30 minutes to complete. BLUFOR win = Detonate downed chopper via explosives OR kill all IND forces. IND win = Survive 30 minutes until extract OR kill all BLUFOR
OK TVT 16 Han Dynasty Tanoa Viking PMC 1 NONE 07/01/2017 DESCRIPTION: A newly received shipment of weapons in Harcourt has attracted the attention of several OPFOR militiamen. Packing high explosives, they seek to destroy the ammo truck before it can be put to use. BLUFOR win = Time runs out OR kill all OPFOR. OPFOR win = Detonante ammo truck OR kill all BLUFOR
OK TVT 30 Loose Lips Tanoa Viking PMC 1 NONE 07/01/2017 DESCRIPTION: A journalist has been publishing controversial material on the local drug lord and his gang’s operations. The gang has been dispatched to assassinate the journalist. The local police have been ordered to protect him in Belfort unil extract arrives. BLUFOR win = Survive until extract chopper arrives OR kill all IND forces. IND win = Kill VIP journalist.
OK TVT 16 Oiligarchy Tanoa Viking PMC 1 NONE 07/01/2017 DESCRIPTION: BLUFOR and OPFOR fight for control over an abandoned oil rig in the southern Tanoan seas.
OK TVT 30 Red Cross Tanoa Viking PMC 1 NONE 07/01/2017 DESCRIPTION: A shipment of supplies has come to Oumere via International Red Cross. BLUFOR must defend the shipment while it is being unloaded. INDEPENDENT must assault and reach the shipment to capture it. BLUFOR win = kill all IND forces OR time runs out. IND win = kill all BLUFOR forces OR reach the cargo boats.
OK TVT 16 Sugar Mill Tanoa Viking PMC 1 NONE 07/01/2017 DESCRIPTION: OPFOR forces are attempting to flee the Tanoa Sugar Mill after sabotaging its facilities. BLUFOR have been deployed to the area to prevent their escape. BLUFOR win = kill all OPFOR forces OR time runs out. OPFOR win = kill all BLUFOR forces OR reach escape point (opposite side of map with trucks).
OK COOP 22 Behind Enemy Ridgelines Malden 2035 Wronglets 080 MK4 075 16/12/2017 DESCRIPTION: A USMC infantry unit goes behind enemy lines to assault Russian VDV fortifications along the central Malden ridgeline.
OK COOP 31 Operation Eagle Blade Sahrani Wronglets 1 MK4 075 24/11/2018 DESCRIPTION: USMC retake strategic positions along the Northern Sahrani mountains from the VDV. || AT LEAST 1 PILOT NEEDED, AT WEAPONS TEAM RECOMMENDED.

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