At 0300, Central African Republic local time, a detachment of paratroopers from the 1ºQRF/MINUSCA force landed on the east side of Niakala’s southern Airfield. After taking the airfield the paratroopers setup a defensive perimeter and held off a sizable rebel counter attack with the limited resources they had. The majority of rebels troops pulled back to their northern positions near Shwasana, however intel reports that weapon caches and insurgent cells (marked on the map with question marks) have been placed around Niakala in order to further harass our operations. Phase 2 will consist in finding these caches and crippling the rebel insurgency activites in the area while gathering intel about rebel high value targets for phase 3.

(Casualties are calculated per player as: >2 Deaths = 1 KIA | <=2 = 1 WIA)
During the airfield assault the paratroopers had sustained minor casualties, however during the rebel counter attack the casualtie number increased, by the end of the operations the paratrooper detachment suffered a total of 42 casualties (2 KIA, 40 WIA). Some of the casualties resulted from a vehicle collision at the end of the operation. The paratroopers will for now rest and refit for future operations.
Rebel casualties are estimated to be around 393 KIA.
Government Troops
With the Airfield secured, supplies and fresh troops have been delivered. Local government troops were transported by trucks from the nearest government held city. These troops will now take the brunt of phase 2 of the operation with the assistance of the Portuguese troops.
Vehicles and Supplies
8 armed (M2) and 2 unarmed M1151 HMVs have been tranported onto the airfield by C-130s along with the rest of the detachment supplies and equipment.
Government troops will be using captured rebels vehicles, 2 BRDMs, 3 DhskM Technicals, 2 M2 Technicals, 8 unarmed technicals , found on the airfield which have been painted with UN colours for better identification.
And finally 4 UH-1H helicopters (2 Gunships + 2 Transport), have flown in from the capital city to assist in the next operations.

Other Notes
After gathering feedback from all those who participated in the joint op here is our (BromA’s) TODO list for the next event:
- Better organization in terms of radio structure and platoon structure;
- Removal of the no zoom mod;
- Increased planning time and prepartions before starting the mission;
- Activation of the DUI Color Sorting parameter;
- Better organization of logistics/supplies aswell as more information regarding loadouts and available supplies;
- Pre-event meeting with squad leaders to discuss planning and organization;
Footage taken from the event.