Invasion 44 (Finally!)

Finally, the one thing must of us  have been waiting for so long is here, some Arma 2 WWII action. During these next 2 weeks ( from the 1st of August to 13th of Augusut) we’ll be having I44 missions. The final tweaks to the mission framework and server are done but of course we can’t promise that everything will work flawlessly  plus we’re short on mission makers so we have to rush everything so please understand that we’re trying to do everything possible to provide you with the best experience. Here is what you need:


Our I44 preset is composed of 9 mods, 2 of which are optional, and its about 3.04 GB. As usual we’ll need Play with Six to install it, you can grab the preset here, for instructions please follow the Arma 2 preset guide, it’s pretty much the same thing. Regarding some ST HUD issues, some players reported that the ST HUD was not working for them, to fix this problem simply roll back the st hud mod to version 0.0.1 (see picture below).



Operations Schedule

Our operations schedule will the same as before, around 20-21pm GMT the following days: Monday, Wendnesday, Friday, Saturday.

This doesn’t mean however that we won’t have some casual ops during the free days, everyone is free to hop in the server and play any mission. As always check our Steam Page for events.

Get the preset and join us for some fun time, if you have any other question or issue please informs us either through our Steam Chat or message any Admin or Moderator.

The Snowman [I44]



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