The year is 2549, and the Outer Colonies are once again ablaze with unrest. On the remote agricultural world of Pallas-IV, a vital breadbasket for the UNSC, reports of escalating insurgent activity have reached critical levels. A shadowy group known as The Iron Hand has emerged, spreading terror across the colony’s peaceful farming communities. Using brutal guerrilla tactics, they’ve sabotaged key infrastructure, raided UNSC supply convoys, and taken hostages in a campaign of chaos and destruction.
UNSC High Command has declared the Iron Hand a grave threat to the stability of the region, citing evidence of deep ties to known insurrectionist networks. The insurgents’ tactics are ruthless: fields set ablaze, UNSC personnel ambushed, and civilians caught in the crossfire. Intelligence suggests the group is growing bolder by the day, rallying disaffected locals under their banner and weaponizing the rugged terrain of Pallas-IV’s farmlands against any who oppose them.
To address this threat, the UNSC has deployed the 99th ODST Platoon, nicknamed “Hell’s Reapers,” aboard the UNSC Resolute Dawn, a Paris-class heavy frigate renowned for its combat versatility and orbital deployment capabilities. Armed with precision MAC rounds, state-of-the-art stealth systems, and advanced HEV bays designed for rapid planetary insertion, the Resolute Dawn is an apex predator among UNSC warships. Its battle-hardened crew and unyielding reputation make it the ideal spearhead for this critical mission. From its position in low orbit over Pallas-IV, the frigate serves as both the platoon’s command hub and their guardian in the skies.
The ODSTs will deploy directly into the heart of the unrest, tasked with neutralizing the Iron Hand by any means necessary. The mission demands swift and decisive action to dismantle insurgent operations, secure key infrastructure, and restore order to the colony. But the Iron Hand has reportedly fortified several positions across the region, turning once-idyllic farmlands into death traps. Every shadow could hide an enemy, and every decision will determine whether Pallas-IV becomes another Outer Colony success—or its next graveyard.
Pallas-IV is renowned for its striking geographical diversity, blending vast agricultural plains, dense tropical jungles, and scattered archipelagos in a single thriving ecosystem. The majority of its surface is dedicated to extensive farmland and rolling fields, which serve as a critical food source for nearby systems. Dense jungle belts wrap around the equatorial regions, rich with unique flora and fauna rarely found in the Outer Colonies. Numerous islands dot Pallas-IV’s seas, but one stands apart: a heavily fortified urban center and political hub that serves as the planet’s capital, anchoring governance and trade for the entire colony.

99th ODST Platoon – “Hell’s Reapers”
Feared by the insurrectionists and revered by the UNSC, the 99th ODST Platoon is the tip of humanity’s spear in brutal planetary engagements. Hardened through relentless combat across dozens of hot zones, these elite shock troopers thrive on rapid-deployment tactics and high-stakes operations. Known for their unwavering discipline and lethal proficiency with both conventional and unconventional weaponry, they descend from orbit in HEV pods like avenging angels, striking swiftly to secure the deadliest battlefields. Painfully few in number but unbreakable in resolve, Hell’s Reapers embody the ODST ethos: “Feet first into hell—victorious every time.”
Pallas-IV Colonial Police Department (CPD)
Understaffed, underfunded, and outgunned, the Pallas-IV CPD has found itself squarely in the crosshairs of a threat it was never intended to face. Originally formed to protect agricultural communities and maintain basic public order, the department lacks the heavy weaponry and tactical training required to combat a coordinated insurgency. As The Iron Hand’s attacks grow bolder, the CPD’s antiquated patrol vehicles and limited riot gear struggle to keep pace. Nevertheless, the officers remain steadfast in their duty, patrolling long stretches of farmland and backwater settlements with dogged resolve. Armed only with faith in their cause and a near-desperate determination to safeguard their homes, the men and women of the CPD exemplify courage in the face of overwhelming odds.
The Iron Hand
From the moment they surfaced, the Iron Hand has reveled in brutality and mayhem, painting Pallas-IV’s farmlands in terror and sowing destruction wherever they appear. Rumored to be led by a vicious warlord who demands absolute loyalty, these insurgents have shown a twisted glee for carnage, torching entire settlements and taking hostages without mercy. UNSC/ONI reports depict them as a rabid army of fanatics, employing sadistic tactics designed to inflict maximum fear and suffering. Stories of their cruelty have spread like wildfire: sabotaged water supplies, scorched fields, and unspeakable acts against civilians—nothing is off-limits in their lust for anarchy. They stand as a looming shadow over Pallas-IV, a danger that demands swift and total eradication to restore peace to the colony.
ODST Platoon Campaign Goals
- Eliminate the Iron Hand Insurgency: The foremost priority of the 99th ODST Platoon is to break the back of the Iron Hand’s operations. This means finding and neutralizing key insurgent leaders, dismantling supply lines, and crushing their capacity to wage terror on Pallas-IV.
- Secure Strategic Points and Infrastructure: Critical farms, water treatment facilities, and transport hubs must be safeguarded to prevent further sabotage. By reclaiming these vital locations, the ODSTs can restore stability and ensure the colony’s lifeblood remains flowing.
- Support and Coordinate with Local Forces: Although underequipped, the Pallas-IV CPD remains a valuable ally. The ODSTs aim to bolster CPD morale and capabilities, forging a united front against the insurgency. Sharing intel, training, and resources helps the local police stand firm in the face of mounting terror.
- Protect Civilians and Maintain Order: While The Iron Hand is the clear enemy, preserving innocent lives is paramount. The ODSTs must mitigate collateral damage and protect rural settlements from further violence, proving to the colony that the UNSC is committed to defending its people.