Welcome to BromA
Over +10 years of ArmA Autism
Are you looking for an Arma 3 community without strict signup procedures, rules, code of conduct and sensitive members who can’t handle a bit of banter? Look no further.
We aim to play on a weekly basis and strive towards realism, immersion and fun in our sessions. Our scenarios cover What, don’t you like to pretend you’re a soldier?
Our Schedule:
European Ops: Saturdays 19:00 GMT/BST
American Ops: Fridays 19:00 EST/EDT

Our goal is to be a laid back, fun to play with community while maintaining some sort of organization where common sense is the rule of thumb. Getting banned from this place is an achievement!
Being a 4chan based community means that this isn’t your typical Arma 3 group, do expect politically incorrect content and more laxed moderation in regards to what is posted or talked about. At the end of the day everyone gets along and we all enjoy playing together and that’s the magic of this place.

― Custom made missions
Diverse & Dynamic
None of that Zeus bullshit. We make our own scenarios, custom made by our overworked, unmotivated, chained in a basement mission makers.
Our sessions cover WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Cold War, Modern War, Halo, 40k and any new mods/CDLC that show up, we also do persistent campaigns (Antistasi, Liberation…), as well as organize joint ops with other groups.
We have our own inhouse mission framework.
Checkout out our newest activities
What’s new?
At 0300, Central African Republic local time, a detachment of paratroopers from the 1ºQRF/MINUSCA force landed on the east side of Niakala’s southern Airfield. After taking the airfield the paratroopers […]
Continue reading “MINUSCA Phase I AAR”Campaign Dawn’s Hammer
The year is 2549, and the Outer Colonies are once again ablaze with unrest. On the remote agricultural world of Pallas-IV, a vital breadbasket for the UNSC, reports of escalating […]
Continue reading “Campaign Dawn’s Hammer”MINUSCA PHASE I Joint Ops
Here’s all the information needed for the MINUSCA Joint op.
Continue reading “MINUSCA PHASE I Joint Ops”MINUSCA Campaign
Overview This fictional campaign is based on the real MINUSCA mission in the Central African Republic, particularly the Portuguese Armed Forces intervention. Years of civil war have left the country […]
Continue reading “MINUSCA Campaign”Operation Hammer and Anvil
After clearing the local neighborhood and factory within AO1 with success, The First Squad continued the attack to AO2 into a wide open field. After breaching AO2 1000s of combatants […]
Continue reading “Operation Hammer and Anvil”Vietnam DLC Joint Ops (#7)
Here’s all the information needed for the Broma Vietnam DLC Joint op.
Continue reading “Vietnam DLC Joint Ops (#7)”